Rainy Seasons: Learn to play 2D-Shooters and a Game-Recommondation

Hello. World!

This is the first issue of the Rainy Seasons Community Newsletter. I feel the ship shaking. So let’s go!

In this issue we will share two interesting quotes and a shooting-game recommendation.

How to get good at SMUPS in 7 days

I like to think about how to play shooters in a good way. Or - how we learned all of this by playing over and over again… until there is the AHA!-moment, figuring out some new tactics.

If someone wants to proceed a little bit faster on this way, check out this video from the great Smups Junkie channel!

Game-Recommondation: Gley Lancer

The Reissue of a 1992 shooter Gley Lancer was made available in 2021 on different platforms: Nintendo Switch, Play Station 4/ and XBox.

In the options of the game you can set different settings to tweak the game to your gaming-skills, needs or just the current mood. From die hard difficult to easy casual playing all it possible.

The game has this kind of excellent 90ies 2D-Shooting vibes and is really enjoyable, as are the soundFX and the music.

Greetings from Martin Wisniowski / Storm Electricity