The Design of Blue Revolver / PC Engine Mini

The Design of Blue Revolver

Lazy Devs Academy made a good, in-depth interview with Danbo about the Design-Process of his game Blue Revolver. An interesting interview for people who like to know to to dev a shmup-game. And how to do this with the help of Love2D.

PC Engine Mini

This is not new, but in many parts overlooked. There is a mini-version from the PC Engine available. They feature both the japanese PC Engine-version emulated, as well as the TurboGrafx-16. With lots with games on it, that shooter-lover will just appreciate! 58 games in total with many classic titles, like R-Type, Phantasy Zone or Blazing Lasers.

PC Engine Mini games

Here is an in-depth review (in German). Go and get one on eBay.

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