1. Wildhoney-Dev: using RemoteTransform2D. 2. SHMUP Festival on Steam.

Tiny tip for Godot game-devs!

Godot-Dev Tip: Use RemoteTransform2D with Camera2D

Directly from the Wildhoney-Development bench… This week I learned how to easily control the position of a Camera2D in the Godot game-engine, without using any code at all.

Just create a so called “RemoteTransform2D” Node as a subnote of the game-object, that you want the camera to follow. Just use the inspector to set the “Remote path”. And that’s it! No code involved. Most of the fine-tuning, you just can do on the Camera2D node.

Last days of Steam SHMUP Fest!

Don#t forget, the last two days of the SHMUP Fest on Steam are running. Check out this page for the lastest (and greatest?) shooting games that are on Steam right now.